Tuesday, November 17, 2009

getting dirty

As you can see by my 3rd post today that I have a lot to catch up on. We have such fun things that happen that I really want them to be in the book I am going to eventually do of my blog.

On Sunday we had a little outing. I was copycatting one of my friends and went to find a tunnel I knew was in a lot of pics of people in our ward. I wasn't sure exactly where I was going, but we found it. That will be another post in itself, but I had to highlight how dirty Spencer got and how much he absolutely loved it!

What's a little dirt on my pants, mom? It can wash out, right?
the shoulder too!
And the hands used for climbing on everything
more dirty shoulder

Here's one of the many times Spencer was on the ground.....
The result of spending so much time on the ground. But mom, it was such a fun game-especially in nice clothes.

Guess a little dirt is good for ya!

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