Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween fun...better late than never:)

Even though sickness was abound in our house during Halloween time, we did have some fun. We did our traditional pumpkin carving/decorating night. Mommy carves the pumpkin because she loves it and Daddy hates pumpkin guts, so everyone else either draws on a pumpkin or puts a little face on the pumpkin.

Spencer deep in thought...what the heck do I do with this thing?
Jordan tries to clean it out...realizes she doesn't like to get her hands dirty.
Landon doesn't really like the mushy stuff, either!
Daddy with the finished product on his white pumpkin.
Jordan with Mommy's finished product.
We also managed to squeeze in the ward trunk or treat. The kids had been fever free for about 24 hours, so we decided they could go. We got there late because we made a quick stop at Payless. We had a coupon for 50% off our whole purchase thanks to the Oprah show. I started to feel yucky before we left, and later that night I developed a fever and was down for the next few days.

Daddy with the kiddos at the trunk or treat. They really loved it and had a blast going from car to car. And people in our ward go all out decorating the trunks. Very cool.
Here we are right before trick or treating. I was so sad that I couldn't go. I just didn't have the energy, plus I had a fever. I put a note on the door telling people there was a sick person in the house so no candy. We turned all the lights out when Darin left, even though in past years we have still had people ring the door bell with the lights out!!

Anyhow, Jordan had a little friend from school come because she lives in a neighborhood where trick or treating isn't too feasible. They had a lot of fun. When they came home I wondered why Lanny's bucket was so full. Darin said it was because he would say "trick or treat" and just stand there holding up his bucket. Even after people put some candy in, he would just stand there holding his bucket up and people would load him up with candy. Of course, they couldn't resist the cute little dragon.

Here are our dragon, Spiderman and the Queen of Hearts.

All 3 of the kids have now worn the little dragon costume. I love it when they last through a lot of kids!!

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