Monday, November 23, 2009

Really small world

On Saturday I answered a Craig's list ad for a new lens for my camera-a 50mm 1.8 for anyone who would care. I got a response back and we discussed meeting this morning. I called the number and it was a cute lady voice. The first thing I thought to myself when I heard her voice mail was "this totally sounds like a mormon mommy-I bet she has her own photography business from home."

So we set up the time and met to make the exchange. I asked her some photography questions-and yes she has a business with a partner in Arizona-and I mentioned there were a couple photographers in my ward and one that moved away who I wished I had mentored with (Jill Thomas) She asked me what church I went to and it turns out my first instinct was right!!! She is in the Woodbridge Stake. It was funny because she totally knew who Jill is and loves her work follows her blog, too. She said she tried to mentor with her but it didn't work out. She also knows another friend who lives in Woodbridge. So we chatted for a few minutes and she was gracious enough to give me couple tips, and knocked the price of the lens down because she couldn't find the lens cap or the box:) We exchanged information and went on our merry ways.

Really, what small world!!

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