Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fits and Funny conversations

As expected, the closer we get to 18 months, in same fashion as his siblings, Landon is now showing his opinion in a most dramatic fashion. The "fits" as we have called them have started to set in:) Last night he had one and I had to document it!
After dinner, he kept scrounging for food in the kitchen. It was time to take a bath since he was so dirty from the park. So, we were heading up stairs. Well, Landon was not happy with that.

Here we go: getting mad at mommy,crying starts..... The yelling starts and hands go up in the air.....
throw self down on the floor....
and scream and cry some more.
Landon definitely knows he wants and lets me know!!

Here is a conversation we had in the car yesterday.


Ryann said...

Looks a lot like Tim. But before the hands go over the head, he covers his eyes with his hands as he begins crying. Kind of comical to watch actually!

rachael said...

Oh, you poor thing. I don't miss the "fits" at all. Caleb is so easy to redirect these days. I am not looking foward to going through that all over again.