Thursday, September 4, 2008

For Jill and Andrew

We were so excited to get a call yesterday morning from Andrew telling us that Jill's water had broken. They brought Lizzie over and she went to school with Jordan. We were thrilled to hear that baby girl Nielson arrived safely and that she and Jill are doing well. We can't wait to meet her and Jordan is especially excited to pick out a present for her!!

We had a really fun day yesterday so here are some pics for mommy and daddy to see. I don't know if you will be able to see them today, but they are here when you are can look!!

We tried having a "slumber party" but after a few attempts to quiet the girls, we put Lizzie to sleep in our bed. Lizzie cried a bit because she missed her mommy and daddy, but she feel right to sleep after I put her in our bed.

Right after getting tucked in. A little play time after taking baths. They were thrilled to wear matching nightgowns.
Having some lemonade and watching a little TV after coming in from playing outside after school. They were hot and "sooo thirsty"
It was really cute when we gathered for our family prayer. I told Lizzie "you are a big sister." She had a huge smile and gave me a big hug. She is really excited about her new sister.

Here's the beautiful big sister!
Another try at tucking them in. Lizzie said "I'm not tired."
Ah, sucess. This is Liz when I put her in Jordan's bed when we went to bed. How sweet!! I had a pic of them sleeping this morning, but Landon is on my lap to avoid scraming at the top of his lungs, and all of a sudden the picture is gone.Here they are when I went to wake them up at 7:00 this morning. Lizzie jumped right up.

Off to school!!
Lizzie was an angel this morning. She was hungry right away, ate a good breakfast, picked her outfit with relative ease, ( I told her it was a shirt and leggings but she quickly corrected me because it is a dress and leggings!!) and sat still when I did her hair. I thought that she did great, considering she was up a couple times in the night crying for her mommy and daddy. One time she woke up and realized the lamp was off and needed it back on. She fell right back to sleep when I turned it off. This was in between the times Landon decided to wake up as well. I heard Jordan moaning and wandering around about 4:30 am and apparently she had fallen out of bed. I put her back and moved Liz closer to the wall. Jordan is used to sprawling out on her whole bed so I guess having an other kid in there cramped her style:) I don't think she even remembered it happened.
We love having you Liz!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wendi, thank you so much for watching her. I'm glad she had so much fun at your house. I can't wait to get copies of these pictures.