Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OBX ( Outer Banks)

I have been working on this post forever, and finally get to finish it. Thanks to the help of both the boys falling asleep in the car on the way home from picking Spencer up from pre-school.

So have a seat and get comfortable, this is a long one. We were so excited to go to OBX because we had never done the beach house thing. We stayed 4 days in a hotel once when Jordan was tiny. Anyhow thanks to the preparations of Hannah Smith, we had a nice house to stay in and great company for the week.
Here is "Sea Elegance." She took good care of us for a week. Through the week, there were 6 families in and out of the house. The children had a great time playing with each other. We did so many fun things-beach fun, pool fun, visiting a couple of lightouses, seeing a rescued wild horse, shopping-for me, eating at a nice restaurant-Darin and I, playing with each other. Here are some of my favorite photos of all our fun outings. I know it's a lot, but that's me folks:)

The beach was wonderful. We had walks on the beach, built a big sandcastle, got caught in the waves, flew kits, played in sand, ran in waves-we could spend all day on the beach. So much fun!!!

Man are these two beautiful! This is Alyssa Kotter and she and Jordan were "sisters" for the week. According to Jordan-this also included Gladys Smith. Do you think she wants a sister? May be a while:)
Having fun burying mommy
I LOVE this shot of Darin....exactly what he didn't want to happen:) Sweet Lucy-what an awesome baby on the whole trip. She could sleep anywhere and always looked soo cute!!
Jordan is my sand lover-she could hunker down with the crabs:) The little boy in the top center picture was there for part of the week and one day she was looking for her "boyfriend." Yikes:) Jordan didn't like going too far in the water, but loved running and jumping in the waves.

The water was wonderful-not cold at all. I went really far out and it was so nice. I would float in the waves, it was so fun. Had to be careful with the kids, though because it was a pretty good surf.

The boys like the sand as well.
Walking to the beach. It wasn't a bad walk from the house.
One night the wind ws blowing really hard. Look at the hair-can you say Jason Priestly in the 90210 days?

The day after we got there we celebrated Spencer's 3 birthday. I held this stinking cake for 3 hours in the car. We stopped to get it at shoppers because we weren't sure what we would find when we go to Duck. Lesson learned: If we go the same week next year, Food Lion has lots of nice, smaller cakes:)
We went to the Aquarium the day it rained and had lots of fun.
Sometimes I just can't believe how cute this kid is!! Am I a biased mother or what?

Few more random shots at Currituck Light house in Corolla.
Phew, I made it. What a week. We had so much fun, at the best food, and decided we are going back. Have the real estate books and are starting to plan. Who's in?


Ryann said...

I love the Outer banks. That place is awesome. Looked like you all had a great time:)

Sarah said...

Looks like a blast!!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, I think I need a vacation! he...he..he.. We're going on one last camping trip in about two weeks. I'm sad winter is coming, but excited for the holidays. Looks like you guys are having so much family fun! Keep it up!!

rachael said...

The outer banks is awesome. I miss beaches in the states. They're just not the same here.

I can't believe how much the boys look alike. In some of the pics I can barely tell them apart (of course the matching outfits doesn't help me...by the way, very cute!!!).

And I LOVE LOVE the picture of you and Jordan. You look beautiful!

annafowler said...

OBX looks like so much fun. Happy Birthday to Spencer! And I like your cute, stylish haircut Wendy!