Thursday, September 18, 2008

I could sleep all day...

well, if my nose and eyes would stop running like a faucet, if my headache would go away, and if I could stop cauging and actually breath when I lay down maybe I could sleep.

It's a little humbling when you pride yourself on never getting sick. I had this horrible memory, of when Darin had mono this time last year-If I have that I will be very sad!! I finally went to the Dr. and don't have strep, even thougth my temp was over 101, so this is one very mean and nasty virus. I thought for sure it was strep because I have had it a lot and my throat really hurt the same. She did give me some potent caugh medicine, so I went to bed early last night. I slept like a log until about 1:30 when I had to go to the bathroom, then couldn't sleep because my nose just drips non stop. This morning my temp was 100, so I loaded up on ibuprofen, Musinex and throat losenges.

So, here I am trying to entertain Landon inbetween wiping my nose and caughing. Thank goodness my neighbor Kelly came and helped me this morning, then took Lanny for a walk. We still got Jordan to school late and I had a little breakdown (yes, I cried in my overemotional state)because she had to get a tardy pass. (We have major morning issues in our house getting all 3 of the kids ready and out the the door on time every day, but that is a whole other post!!)I do not want the "late" kid in the class. 00000000000000 That was Landon's contribution to this po0st. oh, here comes morekffkhhfjjk.klkjvbhvmhm Oh, I took him down and now he is screaming and he is stinky.....

Man, your house falls apart when you are sick...I look around and don't have the energy to pick anything up. Darin does pretty well, but then the kids wake up and make more messes. Darin always tells me I can't get sick because I hold the house together...well, you can sure tell I am not feeling well by the looks of the house. I had even planned out a 2 week menu, stocked the fridge, but now don't have the energy to even cook....ugh!! At least maybe when I go to weight watchers on Saturday I will have lost some weight:)

Ryann-don't know how you're doing it with pneumonia!! Kudos to you!!


Ryann said...

So funny to see this. Not that you are sick. I sincerely hope that you are well soon.

I was thinking about when I was first sick with the strep...I was out of it passed out on the couch and left Em in charge. When I next came to, every thing we owned was thrown over the floor, food was all over, spills throughout the kitchen. But the kicker was that Tim had broken Terry's laptop in the chaos of the day. I was secretly glad that they made me stay in the hospital and not have to face Terry's wrath:)

And at least with pneumonia (despite having had it for a month before I was aware), there are very powerful drugs!

Chanda said...

I'm so sorry Wendi! I've been sick a lot lately too. Being sick and parenting at the same time is hellish. Hang in there. You're awesome, and hey, way to look on the bright side, weight loss! :)