Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

We had a fantastic talk in Sacrament meeting this week by a great gal named Sarah Berget. She talked having an attitude of gratitude-even in times that are hard figuring out something to be thankful for. She took a challenge in November to write down 3 things a day she was grateful for. I also saw some other friends who did the same on their blogs in November. It was really fun to read them and it would make me feel thankful for what I do have. Sarah also talked about how we need to complain less...did she write her talk for me?

Well, in an effort to realize how much I have in my life, I am going to do this in December!

Dec 1st:
1. A kind and generoud husband
2. 3 funny children
3. Home Depot where we can get a nice Chrismast tree for only $32.99!!!

Dec 2nd:
1. Being able to call my husband at work whenever I need someting. His internet is so fast he does a lot for me from his office.
2.Living in a county with so much to offer. This morning I signed the kids up for some fun classes at the RECenter. Jordan is sooo exctited to take another gynastics class.
3.A warm house-boy is it cold today!!

1 comment:

Ryann said...

If you all move, you'll lose number two! I miss number two! But I like seeing what you are grateful for!