Monday, December 15, 2008

Visits from the Tooth Fairy

We have had 2 recent visits from the tooth fairy in our house!!

First Visit:
I was getting Jordan ready for school on Thurs. Dec 4th. I know the date so well because it was the day I went to Utah. Anyhow, Jordan had Lanny's blanket and somehow got blood on it-at that point I didn't see the hole in her gums. I remember being annoyed that I had to wash it quick before I went to the airport. So later I was getting Jordan dressed. I put her shirt over her head and noticed a missing tooth....I guess I was a little dramatic and screamed so she had a look of terror on her face...I asked her if she had her tooth, and she didn't have it.... so we deduced that she swallowed it!! She sucks her thumb, so it must have come loose in the night...

Anyhow, I told Darin you have to have her write a note and draw a picture of her tooth for the tooth fairy. She did so that night, and told the fairy she wanted a present. The tooth fairy paid a visit in the night, but the next morning she wasn't too happy. I have this second hand since I was in Utah. Jordan went down and told Darin to come look in her room. She wasn't happy with $1.oo because she wante a present!! Second Visit:
I picked Jordan up from school last Friday and her teacher told me she had something special for me in her bag. She whispered that it was her tooth. I wasn't too surprised since it was really wiggly. So I looked back and noticed, then Jordan covered her mouth and wouldn't let me see. We were going take a Christmas tree and decorations to a friend and she said we couldn't see it until we got there. I eventually got the story that she was in her second "center" at school and it was so wiggly that it fell out.

So now we have 2 missing teeth on the bottom. Once again the tooth fairy came, but again Jordan wasn't too pleased with a dollar. I told her she has more teeth to loose, so if she saved all the money from the tooth fairy, she may be able to buy a toy like a little pony.

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Gosh, prices have gone up, I remember back in my day, the tooth fairy only left me a quarter each time! A dollar sounds pretty darn good to me :)

It was great to see you here in Ogden. I'm so glad we were able to get together and chat for a while. It's fun to see our friends moving on and getting married, having children etc..

Hope you have a fun Christmas time!!