Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm thankful for...

1. I am thankful that I could shop at Kohls today and my children were so good!!! Jordan help me pick a few shirts and showed me dresses she likes. I picked a few things, the kids played with a toy while I shopped and the best part was that I didn't spend a penny!! I had $20.00 in Kohls dollars, 15%off coupon, and giftcards from my birthday. Now I have a new shirt to wear to my friend's wedding and reception on Friday:)
2. I am thankful for good friends who are so helpful. I am gone this weekend and will miss a lot of stuff for primary. My dear friend Carla Price is going to basically be me all weekend: help with primary activity Sat. Morning, with the Nativity Sat. night at the ward party, and teach my lesson on Sunday. Thank you Carla!!!
3. I am thankful that I finally remembered that I do like to exercise....I love getting sweaty-makes me feel great! I have exercised each morning this week, despite some pesky little boys around my feet....I love it and am excited to get back in the habit.

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