Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can it be done?

After being gone so often in the past week, I felt like we needed a day to stay home and get things done around the house. I was feeling a little overwhelmed about it, and quite frankly wanted to go somewhere again so I wouldn't have to face it-when I say "it" I mean the messy house. The problem is that "it" won't go away unless I do something about it. Toys, shoes, books, newspapers, and crumbs don't have legs and arent' going to get up and nicely plop themselves down in the right place. Oh how I wish that could happen. I don't know why, but I was not blessed with the housekeeping gene. (Well, I did have it when I was single and only had to take care of myself.) I lament about it on a daily basis....one would think I would do something about it...maybe I am just resigned to live in with messes everywhere. Maybe I need an intervention. Oprah, Dr. Phil, Regis and Kelly, Tyra? Feel free to write a letter on my behalf. I'd share any winnings with you and maybe you could come with me.....

We actually began the day pretty well. We lazed around and played in my room for a while before we made our way downstairs. Jordan and Spencer for some reason decided to go right down stairs and play. I figured I would make the best of it. Landon joined them shortly after and I took advantage of it. For once I could clean without the TV being on. Woo Hoo. I hurried so I could do the vacuuming and mopping upstairs. I kept thinking they would come up, and a couple times they did, then my good friend called in the middle-but I mopped on through. I only mop on my hands and knees because if not it leave streaks and I will have anxiety about that. In the middle of this I was trying to do laundry as well.

The kids did remarkable well and only bothered me a the very end. Whew-clean floors again. The reason I titled my post the way I did is because I wonder if it is possible to ever have every part of your house clean at one time? I know there are people who just don't understand people like me-and likewise- I just don't understand them. How do they do it? What do their kids do when they clean? I mentioned that the kids played downstairs while I cleaned upstairs...well, now I have to clean down here. It is a revolving door-never ends...feels like a pit I just can't climb out of. I cannot have the whole house what I would consider clean at the same time. I am trying so hard to teach them to clean up too, but I give up in the end because it is soo dang HARD!!!

After lunch I was up reading to Landon and putting him down for his nap when Jordan comes running up "Mom, Spencer is trying to clean the floor by pouring water bottles all over it." Yes, it is only water, but it is bottled water we pay for, Spencer "cleaning it up" makes it worse, and I JUST MOPPED THE FLOOR!!!! Ugh!! I was a really horrible mommy and totally yelled at him. Ugh again. I got a towel to clean it up and stayed down stairs to calm down. In the meantime, Jordan and Spencer played in my closet and wanted to be me and Darin so were walking around in our shirts. So that cheered me up for a minute-was totally cute.

Now I try to be a better mommy and have reading time. I read a couple books now it is time for Jordan to read. I struggle with this-mostly because I feel like a bad mom that Jordan doesn't read like all these other little kindergarten girls we know in our ward and other wards. Anyhow we struggle. She started off well, then began to resist. The only thing going through my head is the letter from her teacher telling parents that if children don't read over the summer they lose what they learned in Kindergarten. Can you say PRESSURE? I feel that if I don't do it, it will totally be my fault if she digresses in the summer. Makes the case for year round school so much stronger!!

I digress again. We finally make it through the book, but I don't think I have done anything to help her have a desire and love of reading.....but she finished the book. In the meantime Landon woke up from his only 40 minute nap crying and Spencer is feeling neglected because I won't let him sit on my lap while I am working with Jordan. He wants to be read to. We decide to go out and play, and go get the little neighbor girl who is Spencer's age. We get back acrosst he street in front of our house and it starts to rain. We come in and all the kids are starving. This is where we currently sit. I think it has quit now, but the minute we go back out it will start again...

Some more fun tidbits from our day:

Spencer changed his name to Spencer James Maney Scooby Doo Krypto.....

The TV hasn't been on all day....

I haven't showered yet and Landon wore pajamas until 12:30...

Spencer spent half the morning in underwear only.....

Jordan has the same crazy hairdo she went to bed with....

Spencer has developped a new shrill scream when he doesn't get his way....

The kids are now using my good napkins for paper airplanes....

Jordan and Spencer went "ice skating" in my high heels....

I received really sweet "thank you" note in the mail that brightened my spirits-thanks Cheryl....

Evidence that we have too much stuff: we have 2 stollers and 3 carseats on loan to families in the ward who have family visiting-and still have enough for our kids....

It is 2:46- This is my day so far.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! I've said it before but I will say it again. I have a clean house but I do tend to neglect the kids while I clean. Whereas you're house is messier but you have the best entertained kids I know! You are so good at interacting with them. Do not be so hard on yourself. You do so many things so much better than the rest of us! And seriously in the scheme of life, which is more important-a clean house or spending time with your children?