Thursday, October 23, 2008

Two Pests

So, Spencer and I both have a pest: His is Landon and mine is a squirrel. Let me explain.

Lately, Spencer and Landon have started to play together. Except now Lanny loves to wrestle. Everytime Spencer is nicely watching TV, Landon gets him from behind. Of course, the pictures are in the reverse order-eventually I will learn-but you get the idea. So far Spencer is very tolerant, but the day will come....

Spencer's way of dealing with his pest...
Oh, I forgot, Spencer wasn't watching TV, he was looking at a toy magazine we had just gotten in the mail... minding his own business.

Next is my pest, which I fear I helped to create. It all started by doing something silly. One day I threw a bunch of crumbs out of Landon's car seat on the pavement next to the car thinking "oh, the birds can have a little treat." I didn't think of the neighborhood squirrels!! Well, I continue to do this, so now they are always rooting around the car. It is pretty fun to watch, but then they get into other mischief....
I made banana bread and the kids and I delivered it to the neighbors. Our immediate neighbor wasn't home, and I was too lazy to unlock the door, so I just set the bread on the brick ledge right next to the door. After a couple deliveries, we returned home to find this. I didn't even think about my friendly pest coming little thing.

I didn't know that squirrels like pumpkins! It started because the kids made a small nick in the pumpkin. Each day it got bigger, then upon closer inspection, I noticed the little claw marks....
Today was trash day and here is what I found....
I wanted to see what would happen, so I put a bunch of animal cracker crumbs next to the car. Landon and I watched the little pest grab one, go bury it, get another one, then do the same thing. He ran around to lots of different yards digging and burrying. I have noticed lots of dug up spots in my flower bed over the last couple weeks as well.....
Here he is scoping the scene for food.

So, poor Spencer has his problem for life. Me-I can get rid of mine by not feeding it. Is there a lesson to be learned here? It is a pretty cute squirrel, though:)


Anonymous said...

I have a great recipe you can mix up and it is a good way to get rid of the squirrels. PB & spelling is terrible. Yes, that sounds completely cruel, but we had about 20 squirrels that lived in the small space between us and the 4th floor neighbors for 2 years. They started scratching thru my ceiling!!! With a bum landlord I had to take manners into my own hands. Now...over a year later and we have not had a squirrel problem yet. :) Good luck with your squirrel!

Lea said...

How funny! Marcus loves to watch squirrels. I should send him over your way for some entertainment!