Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What have we been doing lately?

I always feel like I am playing catch-up on my blog, but at least I do it. This is why I don't keep up in my journal-blog takes preference-it is so much easier and more fun than writing in a journal. I think being able to add pictures is great and now the fact that we can make the blog books, well, I am happy about that. I know I should have a personal journal for thoughts, feelings, insights, etc-maybe someday.

Now after that long intro, here are just a few things we have been doing lately. I have decided to get myself motivated, I am going to jog a 5K that the kids school is sponsoring. It is for the National Autism Society-they have a preschool autism program in the school-different from Spencer's class. I figure it's a great cause, get back in shape, we all win. So, I have been trying to get back into my exercise routine. Here's what the boys did yesterday while I was doing the WII Fit. They think it is great to watch. Landon will stand on the board and say "I do WII Fit." It is really cute. This is what the boys look like at 6:30 am, yep 6:30 am!! I guess it is an answer to prayers that they have been the source of me having to get up early a few mornings this week:) You'll understand why there is no actual photographic proof of me exercising....

The following pictures are what happened Sat night while I was making dinner.

Jordan and Spencer at the table doing art work. Actually playing really nice and having fun.

Darin in his favorite position watching the news.

Landon in the kitchen cooking up his own masterpiece. I put the camera away before he spilled raisins all over and was mixing them up. He loves this game and insists on being right under my feet as I cook. He also had lots more pans and spoons out by the time I was finished with dinner. Speaking of dinner, how many of you moms can actually start eating before your husband is finished? Just curious...doesn't happen much here:)

On Friday night I decided to try home made pizza with the Trader Joe's pizza. In the past I have had some trouble trying to get it to turn out the way I want. I struggled with rolling it out to a nice crust. Well, I was very excited that finally I made it work!!! I finally figured out that I should set it out all day, and that it would work if I could use my pampered chef pastry roller!! Yeah, success...finally! And did I mention I tried the herb dough and it was great.

wonderful little gadget!! Kids now love it for playdough.


kristi said...

hey be grateful your husband is home for dinner. yes i spend most of dinner running back and forth getting more food for everyone.

Sarah said...

I struggled with the Trader Joes pizza crust for awhile too, until I realized the same thing...you have to leave it out on the counter much longer than it says. Sounds like there's never a dull moment at the Maney house!!